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RM at Panama, and beyond
The Rebate Mechanism (RM) to enable pricing of international emissions was debated further at a side event at the Panama Climate Change Talks; see:
RM Presentation (0.8MB) | RM Outline and keys (2-pager)
The debate and discussions that followed, contributed to negotiations of relevant text options for the Durban conference in Nov/Dec 2011 (see the conclusion slide).
The site event, entitled: "Ensuring no net incidence on developing countries from carbon pricing of international transport", was held on 2 October 2011.
The debate was very good and covered technical details as well as ongoing negotiations on the matter (namely how to reconcile the UNFCCC principles with a global approach to address emissions from international transport, and obtain progress at the Durban conference).
You may wish to review the RM Presentation (0.8MB; it includes links to various additional analysis), or read a short RM 2-pager, that also includes the attribution and the rebate keys for various countries, available in English, French and Spanish:
- Rebate Mechanism (2-pager in English)
( Securing additional climate financing by Ensuring No Net Incidence on Developing Countries from Carbon Pricing of International Transport)
- Mécanisme de compensation
(Sécuriser des financements climat additionnels Sécuriser une tarification carbone des transports international avec zéro incidence nette sur les pays en développement)
- El mecanismo de reembolso
(Cómo obtener financiación adicional para hacer frente al cambio climático mediante un mecanismo para garantizar que no haya incidencia neta para los países en desarrollo como resultado de la tarificación de las emisiones de carbono del transporte internacional)
New analytical material
Furthermore, the following analysis and briefing notes are made publicly available:
- Optimal Rebate Key Study
(0.6 MB).
- Impact on Trade
- Impacts on Developing Countries
- Impacts on food prices
- Flexibility of maritime MBMs
- Analysis of trade impacts on Bangladesh and South Africa
(imports and exports)

Negotiating text for Durban
Links will be added shortly.
Outcome of G20 meeting in Cannes
Not much, but the WB-IMF-OECD-RDBs report on Mobilizing Climate Finance (0.9MB) is mentioned and finance ministers are invited to continue working on the issue of climate finance.
Recent discussion at the IMO
For the recent discussions at the IMO see: GHG-WG 3 summary, as the topic was not discussed at the IMO MEPC 62 meeting (as the focus was then on the adoption of the technical and operational measures to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping).